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Rimmy Chuchra
Aina Sharma


This paper discusses about the field of augmented reality which covers its wide area as an example applications based on AR and different types of technologies used in AR as like tracking technology, display technology and interaction technologies. This paper gives a new idea based on mobile AR (Augmented Reality) application that is named as MMABOAR (Mind Map App based on Augmented Reality) whose main purpose is read all mind vibrations or mind thoughts. The main motive to design such kind of app is to provide a way to communicate with mentally disabled persons and utilize their past experiences and knowledge in current running projects of research. By utilizing such kind of knowledge or intelligence they can also individually contribute for discovering new India. The working of this new designed mind app is based on the way of touching of that app icon. Once that disable person touch that particular app then it will sense or read(or record or save) the complete knowledge in your phone memory backup. And once the backup is created then you will use that past knowledge or experiences anywhere, anytime in future. This paper also discusses about some new techniques suited or uses by the developers in mobile AR. Hence, this new designed app may provide us a new type of learning platform (NTOLP) through mentally disabled persons or mentally retarded persons.Inshort, this mobile learning helps to create a real learning environment, which will greatly improve the efficiency or effectiveness of learning.


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