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Karan K Sanghvi
Saurabh Gang
Nithin Nayak
Sreelatha P K


The maintenance of road is plight or an issue in countries on verge of development. There is the significance of well-maintained street as; perpetuated streets contribute a noteworthy part to the nation's economy. Identification of potholes and humps is necessary, since identification of these pavement distresses not only aids driver to avoid traumatic accidents and damages to vehicles such as alignment of wheels in vehicles etc but also helps authorities to maintain roads. In this paper it has been described about the methods those were developed previously for detection of potholes. This paper proposes a financially savvy and feasible solution to distinguish potholes and protuberances on streets and give auspicious alarms to drivers to keep away from mishaps or vehicle harms. Echolocation technique is used to identify potholes and also to measure their height and depth respectively.Ultransonic sensors are being deployed in order to implement this echolocation technique and hence, identify one of the pavement distress, pothole. RF module is being utilized for detection of hump since this module makes wireless communication possible. This serves as a valuable source of information to the Government authorities and to vehicle drivers.


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