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Prachi Jayant Mhatre
Vilas Jadhav


An abstract architecture for semantic web services is requisite to present a conceptual model to assist in the principled design and implementation of semantic web service applications. The architectural structure we portray stands on the shoulders of two promising technical conceptions: Web Services and the Semantic Web. Automatic discovery is acknowledged as a key task and semantic description is the foundation for automatic service discovery. We portray a novel approach for automatic discovery of semantic Web services which utilize LDA to match a user request, articulated in service discovery language, with a semantic Web service description. Our approach to semantic based web service discovery entails semantic-based service categorization and semantic enhancement of the service request. We intend a solution for accomplishing functional level service categorization based on an ontology framework. Furthermore, we exploit clustering for precisely categorizing the web services based on service functionality.


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Author Biographies

Prachi Jayant Mhatre, MGM's College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai University

Student, Computer Department

Vilas Jadhav, MGM's College of Engineering and Tecnology, Mumbai University

Professor, Computer Department


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