Comparative Analysis of Open Stack Software tools for Cloud Computing Framework Environment

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Rakesh Prasad Sarang


In present era cloud computing is a new concept of the modern world. Cloud computing consolidates every one of the administrations models and advances together to convey IT capacities. The fundamental goal of this paper is to develop a private cloud utilizing open stack. Open stack is an open source program is simply free of cost. This uses more propelled techniques to secure their everything data. We are proposing a technique to setup cloud foundation utilizing openstack and Xen server. This paper is to provide a comparative view on the performance of openstack. In this paper, we are showing service models to manage the protection issues in cloud computing and give the best response for specialist organizations. The aim of this paper is to present an idea of deployment models and comparative investigation of most prominent open source software’s such as Nimbus, Eucalyptus, Openstack and Opennebula. The results show that execution of private cloud utilizing open source software Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server release. The paper incorporates openstack instrument and dashboard systems that demonstrate the assessment of the response of cloud computing environment.


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