Study and Analysis of Energy Efficient Data center for Sustainable Development of ICT

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Sneha Sneha
M.Afshar Alam


:Data canters are the foundation, of contemporary information Technology. The Cloud services and web applications requires data centres having huge storage, network and computation capacity, has driven increase of extensive complex data centres running many of today’s Internet, financial, commercial and business applications. With continuous increase in the demands of clouds services and web application the need for remote storage and computation will certainly grow. Data centres are large group of servers and consume huge quantity of computation power to drive and run these server farms bringing about numerous difficulties like enormous energy consumption, emanation of greenhouse gasses, security , backup and recovery ; This paper study and analyse the methods to achieve energy efficiency in datacenter for sustainable development of ICT and low carbon green IT structures for these large and complex data centres to save consumption of electricity and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases to lower the effects of global warming. The structure utilizes most recent energy saving techniques like virtualization, cloud computing and green metrics to achieve green data canters. It also explores five stage to legitimately actualize green IT structure strategies to accomplish green data centres


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