An Overview of Image Steganographic Techniques

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Archana.O. Vyas
Dr. Sanjay.V. Dudul


Steganography is the art of hiding information in ways that prevent the detection of hidden messages. Steganography, derived from Greek, literally means "Covered writing". It includes a vast array of secret communication methods that conceal the message's very existence. These methods include invisible inks, microdots, character arrangement, digital signatures, covert channels, and spread spectrum communications. Steganographic applications only require the flexibility to alter cover object in order to be able to embed the hidden information. For this reason any type of digital object can be potentially used as a cover object. For example, images, audio, streaming data, software or natural language text have been used as cover objects. The secrecy lies in the design of neural algorithm. The neural algorithm that has been chosen to train the secret data bits and selected image bits, which has to be transacted through a secured channel between the source and destination. This makes the steganography process that hides the data in a more efficient manner. The neural algorithm is designed with respect to the input patterns. The main advantage of this proposal is that the secret data is not transmitted as it is. The added advantage is that the cipher text generated depends on the design of neural algorithm. Different algorithms are available for digital image steganography both in the spatial and transform domain like LSB substitution, OPAP, Pixel indicator technique, F5 etc.

Keywords: Steganography; Cover Object; Security; LSB substitution; F5; OPAP; PIT


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