Triple DES Algorithm for Hiding Amorphous Secret Data into Predictive Coding Based on Reversible Image Steganography

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Ananthi. S
Dhanalakshmi. P


Cryptography is the art of converting one form of message into another form which hides the content of the original data. In this
method the content alone kept secret but it fails to hide the existence of secret data. While using this crypt method the malicious people can
easily identify the existence of secret image. So we are in need of transferring the secret data which should not be hacked by the third party. For
avoiding this kind of problem we propose Predictive coding technique based on Steganography Scheme. Steganography is the process of hiding
the existence of secret message. Secret message is embedded into the host image and the cover image is transfer to the beneficiary. In our work
we propose Triple DES Algorithm for converting the structured data into unstructured data. Triple DES is widely used technique for converting
huge amount of document. By using this Triple DES the abuser can convert large document into unreadable form. This unreadable document is
hided into the original cover image or host image using Predictive Coding Method. The proposed work embeds the secret data into a particular
block which is chosen by abuser so it is difficult to identify where the secret data is located. While this predictive coding is combined with
Cryptography using Triple DES it gives stronger security for the hidden information.

Keywords: Cryptography, Data Encryption Standards, Data Hiding, Irreversible, Median Edge Detective Predictor (MED), Predictive Coding,
Reversible Image, Steganography, Triple DES.


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