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Sachin Kumar
Prince Singh, Garima Srivastava, Shikha Singh


Recommendation systems for rating movies and forming opinion have grown exponentially in popularity, they make it very convenient for consumers to select films that suit their tastes. However, traditional recommendation systems often rely solely on user ratings or reviews, which may not accurately reflect the user's true feelings about a movie. To address this issue, sentiment analysis has been proposed as a more reliable method for capturing emotional information about movies. In this research paper, we propose a novel movie recommendation system that combines sentiment analysis with collaborative filtering and content-based methods. Our system is designed to provide accurate and timely recommendations to mobile users based on their preferences, reviews, and emotions. We evaluate the performance of our system using real-world data and demonstrate its effectiveness in improving the accuracy and timeliness of movie recommendations. In this research paper, we propose a comparative study of three popular movie recommendation techniques: content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and sentiment analysis. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of each approach in providing accurate and personalized movie recommendations. Work done has utilized MovieLens dataset for this study, which is a popular benchmark dataset for assessing movie recommendation systems. The dataset includes almost 100,000 ratings, ranging from 1 to 5, from 943 individuals on 1,682 films. Each rating has a timestamp, a special user ID, and a movie ID. The collection also contains details about each movie's genre. To prepare the dataset for our experiments, we first performed some data cleaning and pre-processing. We removed any duplicate ratings, and any movies or users with a low number of ratings were also removed. We also performed some feature engineering to extract relevant features from the raw data, such as movie genres, user demographics, and movie release dates. Our tests on the Movielens dataset show that the system we've suggested works well. Precision, recall, and F1-score were some of the measures we used to assess the system's performance. We discovered that it performed better than conventional recommendation systems that just use content-based or collaborative filtering techniques. A better user experience was produced with the use of sentiment analysis, which improved the accuracy and promptness of suggestions. Algorithm designed achieves a precision of 0.875, Recall of 0.0435, F1 Score of 0.0828, Accuracy of 0.9889, RMSE of 0.407, and F measure of 0.1813.


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Sachin Kumar

Department of Electronics & Comm. Engineering

Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus


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