E-Commerce website for B2B Services

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G C Sathish
Harish Naidu Gaddam
Likhitha S
Thejesh Manduru
Manohar Kommi


E-commerce is becoming a more powerful component of huge asset for B2b businesses. It allows them to not only lower purchase costs and provide a wider variety of additional resources, but also to improve communication performance between their clients and suppliers. As a result, the aim of this article is to analyze how businesses use Business - to - business E-Commerce, how it funds their businesses, and what the key advantages are. In light of the growing relevance of services in B2B markets and the rapid advancement in information technology, the paper assumes significant realistic and theoretical significance for the business world. It may be used as a foundation for more study on various strategies in B2B markets and examination of the position of E-Commerce since it represents an overview and summarizes a broad theoretical context on the subject. The paper will also help businesses make decisions on their E-Commerce investment policy.

Our website helps Distributors and retailers to make their jobs easier. Instead of receiving orders manually, it increases the quality and profitability of the company's distribution activities, lowering overhead costs.






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