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Manas Ranjan Mohapatra
Dr. Jitendra Sheetlani
Dr. Rasmi Ranjan Patra


IoT devices enhance efficiency, accuracy and economic advantages along with less involvement of human resources, thus our different daily applications have become more flexible and convenient. But, in IoT we have many security and privacy challenges emerging on regular basis. Earlier this issue has been addressed by introduction of many approaches to achieve privacy-preserving in data aggregation process. In this aspect this paper presents an outline of IoT-oriented approach for achieving privacy preservation together with minimizing communication overhead. This paper reviews the latest Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation (PPDA) techniques along with their comparative analysis. Latest techniques are investigated here to give a detail analysis of the each and every step of these techniques. In addition, every mathematical operation used in several PPDA schemes are analyzed here. Also current study will be advantageous to researchers in designing solutions in terms of energy efficiency and computational feasibility for ensuring user privacy in different IoT application


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Author Biographies

Manas Ranjan Mohapatra, Research Scholar SOCA, SSSUTMS Sehore, M.P., India

Research Scholar


Sehore, M.P., India

Dr. Rasmi Ranjan Patra, Assistant Professor Dept. of CSA, CPGS, OUAT Bhubaneswar, India

Assistant Professor
Dept. of CSA, CPGS, OUAT
Bhubaneswar, India


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