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Mohit Tarun Khosla
Nishi Sheth
Mahendra Mehra


There are numerous technological inventions taking place in accordance with time. Considering today's scenario, there are many web applications and services available which provide the user with some ready-made tool which will help in development, but there is no such web application which helps the user to code and test at the same time. The main areas of focus in other applications are the functional aspects which mainly highlight the logic, but the flow of coding is not considered as a part. In this paper, we are proposing a system where a user who is learning to work on web technologies as a beginner, intermediate or expert in the domain, may require this web application on the go to code and test while eliminating the need of saving the document and then viewing it in the browser. This paper focuses on the real-time implementation where the components are interconnected and the user can visualize the output while he/she codes.


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