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D. Ashok Kumar
SR Venugopalan


Given the exponential growth of Internet and increased availability of bandwidth, Intrusion Detection has become the critical component of Information Security and the importance of secure networks has tremendously increased. Though the concept of Intrusion Detection was introduced by James Anderson J. P. in the year 1980, it has gained lots of importance in the recent years because of the recent attacks on the IT infrastructure. The main objective of this study is to examine the existing literature on various approaches for Intrusion Detection in particular Anomaly Detection, to examine their conceptual foundations, to taxonomize the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and to develop a morphological framework for IDS for easy understanding. In this study a detailed survey of IDS from the initial days, the development of IDS, architectures, components are presented.


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Author Biographies

D. Ashok Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli, India

Dr. D. Ashok Kumar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli. His current research interests include Data Mining Algorithms, Pattern Matching and Information Security and Systems. His research works have appeared in a variety of international journals and international conference proceedings. He has guided several M. Phil. and PhD. D. Scholars.

SR Venugopalan, Scientist, Information and Computing technologies Aeronautical Development Agency (Ministry of Defence) Bangalore, India

S. R. Venugopalan holds M. Sc., M. Phil in Computer Science. He obtained his M.S (by research) in Management from IIT Madras and he is a Scientist in Information & Computing Technologies Directorate of Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore. His current research interests are in Information Technology and Information Security, Project Management, Product Lifecycle Management and Enterprise Information Systems and their implementation. His research works have appeared in of international journals and international conference proceedings.


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