Multi-Agent Systems Requirements Analysis for Patient-centered Healthcare Consultancy Service

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Daniel Khaoya Muyobo


Agents are currently being discussed in nearly every domain of science and engineering. Through the utilization of IoT and agent-based systems, remote consultations and virtual doctors can provide essential healthcare services by analyzing patient data and medical history. The purpose of this paper is provide an analysis the requirements for multi-agent systems in patient-centered health consultancy services in Kenya. It focuses on various agent types, including hardware, hospital, human, software, database/storage, and technological/framework agents. For hardware, computers, laptops, and mobile devices need specific processing power, memory, network connectivity, storage, and security. Medical equipment must prioritize accuracy, reliability, integration with records, and regulatory compliance. Networking requires high-speed internet, security, and redundancy. Hospital agents offer comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care, categorized into general, mental health, and specialized hospitals. Human agents, like medical specialists, IT professionals, and administrators, play essential roles in healthcare consultancy. Software agents encompass Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), Telemedicine platforms, and more. Database/storage agents include EHRs, Health Information Exchange (HIE) systems, and data encryption. Technological/framework agents involve health information systems, telemedicine platforms, decision support systems, and health data analytics frameworks. These agents enable efficient data management, remote care, evidence-based decisions, and secure data exchange.


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Author Biography

Daniel Khaoya Muyobo, Kibabii University

Information Technology, Tutorial Fellow


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