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B Raja Koti
Dr. GVS Raj Kumar
Dr. Y. Srinivas


Data security is an important asset for any organization. Mainly data leakages will take place when a system is premeditated such that some vital information about the organization is revealed to unauthorized parties. In addition, during the time of data sharing, there may be huge chances for the data exposure, leading to leakage or unauthorized modifications. The protection and prevention of sensitive data from leakages is a vital issue to every organization, as the data is the most valuable source for any organization. Many authors have developed and presented their views of safeguarding the data such that the vital information is not explored or leakage. In this article, a detailed survey many such recent innovations on data leakage techniques aimed at detecting data leakages are highlighted for the researchers to have further directions.


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Author Biography

B Raja Koti, GITAM University

Department of IT


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