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Sheena Mushtaq
Nowsheen Manzoor
Mrs. Yasmeen


This paper presents a detailed study of implementations which we need in ‘Biometric Based Citizen Information System’. This system is used for maintaining the information of citizens and provides a simple interface for it. A number of organisations can use it for maintaining the citizen records easily. We cannot achieve said objective using a manual system because in these systems information is scattered, redundant and may consume large amount of time. These problems can be solved using Biometric Based Information System. The fundamental attention is on providing the information in an intelligent and easy manner. This system would be accustomed by the People who want to comphrend about such management systems, this system can be very identical for them. They can also develop number of software products for the same concept. A number of facilities like registration and profile creation of an individual are provided by this system, thereby reducing hectic paper work and hence automating generation of records.


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