Mobile Application for m-Learning

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Dr. D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh
Dr. E. Jebamalar Leavline
Janani Selvam


In the recent past, self learning plays a significant role in enhancing knowledge of students. The mobile learning environment (m-learning) enables the students to achieve more in education even without the direct assistance of a teacher. The m-learning is a method of electronic learning (e-learning). Learning is very essential to everyone to satisfy their needs and wants. Continuous learning can improve sustainable growth of the individual and nation. In some occasions, students are not able to learn their subject with direct contact of teachers at schools or colleges due to various personal and family reasons such as health problems, migration of family, etc. This problem is addressed by m-learning using mobile application. In m-learning approach-based education, the course contents are uploaded to the cloud server by the teacher. Then, the students those who are not able to attend school or college can download the course content through internet using an m-learning mobile application and learn them. Once the course content is downloaded to the mobile devices through mobile application, the student can learn even without internet connectivity. This paper presents a mobile application for m-learning for the students those who are not able to attend the classes at engineering colleges.

Keywords: Mobile application; m-learning; e-learning; web-application; self-learning; mobile application for e-learning;


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