Adaptive Model For Integrity Verification In Cloud Computing System

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Shakti Arora
Surjeet Dalal


In past years the usage of cloud data services has been widely increased as well the solution for assuring the data integrity has been extensively designed by different researchers. Some of the attempts started considering the multiple cloud users modifying the data and sharing the resources while maintaining the integrity of data. To ensure the level of user’s confidence in the shared data, we proposed a one strong algorithm for integrity auditing by multiple users. Different solutions have been proposed to modify data and get integrity assurance, but far from the practical implementation and heavy cost of computation and communication. The proposed scheme can resist the attack and can find unwanted behaviour during transmission or on the server. The proposed technique is covering all the user’s actions and generating time to time report to each and every user to maintain the trust and assuring the integrity of data.

Keywords: Cloud Computing; security; data integrity; integrity verification


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