Comparison of Metamoprhic Testing and Special Value Testing using the properties of SUT

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Amanjot Singh
Sandeep Kang
Parminder Singh


When testing a program, correctly executed test cases are seldom explored further, even though they may carry useful information. Metamorphic testing proposes to use special test cases to check important properties of the target function. It does not need a human oracle to verify, compare or predict output . An “oracle†in software testing is a procedure by which testers can decide whether the output of the program under testing is correct. In some situations, however, the oracle is not available or too difficult to apply. This is known as the “oracle problemâ€. The manual prediction and verification of program output greatly decreases the efficiency and increases the cost of testing. A metamorphic testing method has been proposed to test programs without the involvement of an oracle. It employs properties of the target function, known as metamorphic relations, to generate follow-up test cases and verify the outputs automatically.


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