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Dr.Nirmala A.P.
Sudhanshu Kumar


The availability (uptime) of UNIX servers which are hosting critical patient care applications is of utmost importance. This availability is ensured by maintaining redundant network; storage connections to a physical server (Ethernet cables; Optical Fibres). The health of these redundant connections, are monitored daily, so that issues can be fixed proactively, which ensures the availability of the servers. If issues are identified with these connections, the concerned team is involved in troubleshooting the issue. Due to the critical nature of the project, perfect ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library) procedures should be followed in identifying, recording and fixing the issues. Unfortunately, this requires a lot of manual work. To help reduce this manual labour and save time, a Web Application was proposed to be developed. This web application will be useful to track, monitor, and analyze the work progress and to visualize the data for easy understanding. It reduces errors by reducing human interaction in the process, thereby saving valuable labour time and resources for the organization. Thus, the generated report becomes more accurate.


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Author Biography

Dr.Nirmala A.P., New Horizon College of Engineeing, Bangalore

Department of MCA


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