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Nahla Mahmoud Gahwaji
Nahla M. Gahwaji


The current era is characterized by a vast amount of knowledge and information, technical progress and a rapid change, which some have called the age of digital information. Interactive program is a modern technology with a positive impact in the field of education as an educational tool and has proven its importance in this area. The objective of this research is to present a new concept aimed at designing an interactive program for preschool children using Q-Mold program. The program is especially dedicated to introducing literacy concepts and skills to children, then evaluating their learning based on a system of varied questions in an interactive way. Moreover, the program is designed in a way that allow the teacher to choose the way concepts introduced and how they can be assessed. The outcome of this research which is the interactive program should be tested in future research to evaluate its effectiveness in teaching and evaluating preschool children.


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Author Biography

Nahla Mahmoud Gahwaji, King Abdulaziz University

Associate professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Childhood Studies-King Abdulaziz University, specialized in Total Quality Evaluation in Early Childhood. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Council for Childhood, and an advisor to several educational institutions. Research activities include: published research in the areas of early education, especially the utilization of technology in children's education, educational leadership, quality control in educational institutions. Supervision and examiner for Masters and Doctoral students, and attending several international conferences and forums in education and early childhood. Academic activities: Teaching courses in the Bachelor's Program in Childhood Studies, and the Master Program in Education/educational leadership in early childhood. Certified Training, offering numerous workshops and specialized training programs at the international, regional and local levels. External examiner at the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA).


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