A Novel Automatic Source Code Defects Detection Framework and Evaluation on Popular Java Open Source APIs

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Venkata Ramana Kaneti


Abstract— The unmatched growth in the automation and application of software code segments for automation is the main reactive reason for improvements in industrial, education, and healthcare and security sectors. The deployed code segments or the complete application used for the purpose is developed extensively with ample amount of features. The number of lines of code and number of man-hours deployed to build the applications are gigantic. In addition to that, the testing of the applications is the added cost for the development cycle. However, in spite of the best practice efforts, the applications can fail in real-time due to undetected errors resulting in fault and failure. Hence, the demand of the modern code development industry to the current research trend is to automate the testing process and derive a framework for enhanced defects detection. This work proposes a novel code defect detection technique to deep scan the code and report all possible bugs and defects and errors. To justify the thoughts, the framework tests the most popular java open source APIs and demonstrates the results. Another novel outcome of this work is to build a generic defect metric for all classes of source code.


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Venkata Ramana Kaneti, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Computer Science and Engineering, Assistant Professor


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