An Optimized Secure Routing with Randomize and Forward Strategy in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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A. Anitha
Dr. S. Mythili


A wireless ad hoc network is also known as IBSS- Independent Basic Service Set, is a computer network in which the communication links are wireless. It is an IP routing protocol optimized for MANETs and WANETs. The proactive link state protocol use hello and topology control (TC) messages to discover and then disseminate link state information throughout the WANET. Individual nodes use this topology information to compute next hop destinations for all nodes in the network using shortest hop forwarding paths. Hence, the main goal of this research work is to improve the secrecy performance in multi-hop wireless ad hoc network with respect to two different cases such as the colluding and non-colluding eavesdroppers with Randomize and Forward (RF) relay strategy using Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) which is specifically designed from the viewpoint of physical layer security. The relay strategy in the wireless ad hoc networks, deals with the secure connection path between the source and destination through the intermediate relay nodes and also the intermediate relay selection. The RF strategy is an optimized version of traditional link state protocol such as the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol helps in the relay selection with the concept of the Multipoint Relay (MPRs) nodes to efficiently disseminate link state updates across the network. The Dijkstra’s algorithm (K Shortest path routing) selection is adopted for both colluding eavesdroppers case and the non-colluding eavesdroppers case in order to find the highest secure connection probability (SCP) shortest path between any given source-to-destination pair in a distributed way in order to improve the detection accuracy using the heterogeneous passion point process. The proposed research work presents a new approach to measure the secure routing in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks in wireless networks with the steps namely the Network Model, Mobility Modeling, Secure Routing Randomize-and-Forward using Optimized Link State Routing (RFOLSR) Protocol and Secure shortest path routing detection algorithm. The RFOLSR protocol used to select the multiple shortest paths and secure protocol used to transfer a message to destination without packet drops. Through extensive simulations and verification the proposed mechanism achieves significantly better detection accuracy than conventional methods such as decode and forward (DF) strategy based detection.


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