An Ameliorated Tool for Handling the Events in a College

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4Vimala d
R.N Kulkarni, Shailaja.B, Bhagyashree K
Rashmi Reddy


During the last few decades, there is tremendous growth in the technology. Due to these technological advancements in both hardware and software the requirements of the users are also increasing. The demands for the automation of all the activities are also increasing. It is getting too hard to manage events being organized by schools and colleges as event organizers are increasing rapidly day by day. In this paper, we are proposing an automatic tool to handle all the events in an educational institution. The proposed tool make use of Android OS which is preloaded. This proposed tool manages all the events, the number of participants, payments, list of participants and it sends appropriate messages to the registered participants. The app will take from the College the event name, date and time of the event and stores the details to the database. All the information stores for you are classified depending on how it relates to a time. This application helps the students who are willing to participate in various events conducting in various colleges. This application will also provide departmental participation details of the students to respective colleges.

Key words: Android, Event, Event management, android app, mobile app.


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