Travel time Reliability Analysis Using Entropy

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Vidhya Kumaresan
Neveen Shlayan,Pushkin Kachroo, Brian Hoeft


Travel time reliability is a measure that is commonly extracted from travel time measurements. It has served as a vital indicator of the transportation system’s performance making the concept of obtaining reliability from travel time data very useful. Travel time is a good indicator of the performance of a particular highway segment. However, it does not convey all aspects of the overall performance of the transportation system. Travel Time Reliability is defined as the consistency of traffic conditions on a given link. Predictability is desired since travelers tend to give a higher value to consistency of travel times rather than the pure travel time data. Previous studies have explored various analysis approaches for this purpose. Most commonly used methods are the traditional statistical methods demonstrating variability. A vital question to ask is how adequate these standard statistical quantities are. There are numerous measures of travel time reliability that look at how reliable the travel time measurements are from different perspectives. This paper presents an overview of the current methods of calculating travel time reliability and introduces a new approach by using the concept of entropy from information theory. The information theory based approach is demonstrated through failure analysis.

Keywords: Travel time reliability; Reliability Analysis; DMS Travel Times; Information Theory


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