A Review of Clinical Queries for Electronic Health Record

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Dr. G. R. Bamnote
Prof. S. S. Agrawal


Database systems must be able to respond to requests for information from the use, i.e. process queries. Obtaining the desired information from a database system in a predictable and reliable fashion is the art of Query Processing. Searching clinical information in a large collection of medical data is a complex task. The use of query processing tools and clinical resources could simplify the retrieval of the information. Clinical information available in electronic format is increasing rapidly. There are large collections of clinical data that contain visual and textual information available for researchers, health care providers and all types of users interested in this kind of information. Still, it is not always easy to access this large volume of data and, thus, there is a need to avail themselves with tools to enhance data accessibility and management of retrieval systems. Search engines have become nearly everywhere on the Web, clinical records lack search functionality; also, there is no knowledge on how and what healthcare providers search while using an clinical records search utility.


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